magnetostriction nickel ferrite

Anisotropy, magnetostriction, and In3+ion distribution in nickel ferrite.
Magnetostriction measurements on nickel ferrous ferrites are reported for the temperature range of 80 to 300 K. The magnetostriction constant λ111 is highly de.
Studies on the magnetic, magnetostrictive and electrical properties.
The launching and propagation of Lamb waves in magnetostrictive polycrystalline ferrite plates was studied. The influence of a magnetic overlay situated.
Metal-bonded Co-ferrite composites for magnetostrictive torque sensor. Co- ferrite (CoO·Fe2O3) and metal-bonded (Ag, Ni, Co) Co-ferrite composites, has.
Major and minor magnetostriction hysteresis loops of Co–Cu–Ni ferrite.
Title: Magnetostrictive properties of Ni-ferrite. Authors: Bieńkowski, Adam; Kaczkowski, Zbigniew; Szewczyk, Roman. Affiliation: AA(Institute of Metrology and.
Title: Effect of stresses on the magnetostriction of Ni-Zn(Co) ferrites. Authors: Bieńkowski, A.; Kulikowski, J. Affiliation: AA(Centre of Metrology and Measuring.
magnetostriction nickel ferrite
Controlled Temperature Dependence of Magnetostrictive Ferrites.magnetostriction nickel ferrite
Field, temperature and stress dependence of magnetostriction in Ni.Handbook of modern ferromagnetic materials - Google Books Result.
SAO/NASA ADS Physics Abstract Service.
SAO/NASA ADS Physics Abstract Service.
The Giant Magnetostrictive Materials.
Magnetostrictive Ferrites with Small Change in Coupling Coefficient.
Magnetostriction of nickel ferrous ferrites.