welsh names for girls and boys

Baby Boy Names D - Moms Who Think.
As you can guess from the name of this website Welsh Girls Names we have one aim and that is to provide you with. If you are looking for Welsh Boys Names?
Welsh Baby Girl Names *** - Baby Names.
welsh names for girls and boys
Thoughts on some Welsh names - Baby Names.Welsh names - top ranked baby names.
Even though it is still early days we have started looking at some names and hit a brick wall when it comes to boys names. We would both love.
Jan 6, 2011. We both have a strong Welsh/Irish background and would like to honor it. So, any thoughts on our name. Thanks!! Boys: Lysander (Lias for nn.. the unique baby name guide by the world's leading experts. Twitter Facebook.
Welsh Boys Names Help? - BabyCentre - Community.
There are some lovely Welsh names. I like Lowri and Ffion for girls. Rhydian and Geraint for boys. Thats off the top of my head, sure I'll think of.
Any nice welsh names for a girl? 4 years ago. Rianna Here is a list I found of nice Welsh girl names: .. Irish Boys names and Austrian….
Jul 17, 2012. The most popular Welsh baby names today can be found on our Popular Welsh Boys Names and Popular Welsh Girls Names pages.
welsh names for girls and boys
Your views on the (Welsh) Boy's name Aneirin/Aneurin)? - Yahoo! UK.Welsh Baby Names - Welsh Girls Names.
A boy or girl's name. Dade, unknown. Dafydd, Welsh, Beloved. Dag, Old Norse, The day. Dagan, Hebrew, Grain, or the earth. Dagobert, German, shining sun.
Feb 4, 2012. Our Unofficial Top 10 Welsh Boy Names of 2012 - a list of beautiful Welsh names ideal for a baby's name but not too common.
Jul 20, 2009. Welsh Names for Boys ». Welsh Girl Names. It just doesn't feel like a girls' name to me – despite my Great Aunt as ample evidence that it is.
Hi.think Ive googled every link to welsh baby names !!! Our surname is welsh. and DH wants a welsh first name. We've kinda settled on a boys.
Jul 5, 2012. hi everyone, me and OH got a problem. He has always had his heart set on a welsh name for a boy but theres not many of them i like. i think.
Essential Baby > Nice Welsh Girls Names.